No class this week February 17th-21st Midwinter Recess

Monday After-School & Portfolio Prep “A

4:30-6:00 pm Ages 7-14

January 13th-June 2nd : 16 sessions

Tuesday Afterschool “B

3:30-5:00 pm Ages 7-11

January 14th-June 10th: 20 sessions

Wednesday Afterschool & Portfolio Prep Sold out

C” 4:30-6:00 pm

Ages 7-14

January 15th-June 11th: 19 sessions

Thursday Afterschool & Portfolio Prep “D” 4:30-6:00 pm

Ages 10 -14

January 16th-June 12th: 19 sessions

Nude Figure Saturday Drawing Class

11:00 am -2:00pm

December 7th, 14th, 21st, January 11th, 18th and 25th

Art After School provides students ages 7 - 15 with an education in the visual arts. Our program focuses on developing technical drawing, painting, and sculpture skills. We begin with an academic art approach by studying form, proportion, light, space, perspective, values, and color, all while using various techniques and media. Classes are organized by age group per day of the week. Advanced students prepare portfolios for art auditions. Classes are one hour and a half long and include art supplies. Our studio is a professional artist space; artwork by practicing and exhibiting artists hangs on the walls alongside the student’s artwork to create a nurturing inspiring and creative environment for self-expression.

Annual Student Exhibition: June 2, 2025

Artists and poets are the raw nerve ends of humanity. By themselves they can do little to save humanity. Without them there would be little worth saving.
— Jimmy Ernst